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From the HOPE Archives: North Inner City Older Persons Group Seeking Sponsorship (2016)

This article was originally posted by to on June 8th, 2016.

According to the Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland;

‘‘Social engagement is key for the health, well-being and independence of older people’’. Further, ”Community projects that cater to the needs of diverse groups of older people are important in encouraging social engagement and interaction’’.

The North Inner City Older Persons’ Group is a voluntary organisation that holds a biannual day out in the summer and in the winter. Every year, around one hundred and fifty older people from the tight-knit community of the north east inner city descend on the Waterside Hotel in Donabate, North County Dublin. Over the years the group fund-raised amongst themselves and small local organisations. Through collections and raffle tickets the group funded each event themselves. This year, they would like to get funding through sponsorship. “One of our biggest fundraisers – the late Paddy Behan – he’s gone.”–Tony Dunleavy

Tony, Irene, Joe, Lady 1, Lady 2
Tony Dunleavy (Chair Person), Irene Crawley (Secretary), Joe Dowling (Treasurer). Mary Byrne (Member), Maggie O’Dea (Committee Member)

Each event costs in and around seven thousand euro. With transportation, food, drinks and entertainment for the evening, it works out to about 40 to 50 euro per head. A staggering amount for those only in receipt of the O.A.P. These are people who are mostly living in isolation, with little to no family. A lot of the older people in the community have lost their families to drink and drugs. All they have is themselves and their neighbours. Subsequently, for most of these older people, this is their only form of social outing!

Committee Member, Maggie O’Dea, describes how the wheelchair bound are brough up for a dance. We would like to close with a great big thank you to everyone that has supported the group’s event in the previous years. Through the hard work and dedication of the community, we have been lucky enough to host this biannual event. This year, however, the hard work of the community is not enough and we need to go further to ensure the older people of this community can still have their day out.

The North Inner City Older People’s Group are looking for direct sponsorship or donations to help fund the biannual day out for the older people of the North Inner City.

No amount is too small, and remember, a little help can go a long way.

Donations can be made out to

‘The North Inner City Older People’s Group’,

AIB Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin 1.

N.S.C.: 931136. ACC.: 04486042.

Joe Dowling; Treasurer, N.I.C. Older People’s Group. 018 878 404

If you or anyone you know (older persons) is at risk of isolation or loneliness, there are a number of organisations that can help.

The Senior Help Line is a confidential listening service run by older people for isolated or lonely older people for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland. The lines are open every day from 10am to 10pm, Lo-call: 1850 440 444

ALONE supports vulnerable older people providing temporary or permanent housing and combatting isolation and loneliness in society. Volunteers and staff work with older people in ALONE’s dedicated housing projects and in the community. 016 791 032

Friends of the Elderly is an Irish charity that brings friendship and social opportunities to the elderly, especially those who live alone. Its volunteers visit the elderly in their homes in the Greater Dublin area. 018 731 855

As well, the Citizen’s Information website details the various groups working in consideration of Ireland’s older people.

Irish Independent "Meals-on-wheels Marie is a 'powerhouse' who is knitting the community together", 6 June 2016. Available here. Accessed June 2016.


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